Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk / Katalog / JAZYKOVÁ LITERATURA / Odborné učebnice / Reflections on 20 years of social reform in Central and Eastern Europe

Reflections on 20 years of social reform in Central and Eastern Europe

EAN 9788087284155 ISBN 978-80-87284-15-5
Vydavatel Auditorium Počet stran 244
Rok vydání 2011 Formát -

220,00 Kč s DPH
International team of authors examines the social issues of contemporary Europe as well as the options of solving the present social problems in the future while exloiting the knowledge and the experience of the countries of Central Europe during the past twenty years The authors also take into account the experience from the economic transition period of the post communist countries The main topics of the book are equal opportunities and discrimination health care reform and pension reform new models of the welfare state and more The book was also published in Czech language International team of authors examines the social issues of contemporary Europe as well as the options of solving the present social problems in the future while exloiting the knowledge and the experience of the countries of Central Europe during the past twenty years The authors also take into account the experience from the economic transition period of the post communist countries The main topics of the book are equal opportunities and discrimination health care reform and pension reform new models of the welfare state and more The book was also published in Czech language

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JAZYKOVÁ LITERATURA / Odborné učebnice
Autor: Koldinská Kristina; Štefko Martin (eds)
Nakladatel: Auditorium

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