Czech Yearbook of International law - 2010

EAN 9781578232727 ISBN 978-1-57823-272-7
Vydavatel Juris Publishing Počet stran 380
Rok vydání 2010 Formát B5

1.026,00 Kč s DPH
Czech Yearbook of International Law is a compilation of articles written by professionals who offer unique insight into special issues regulated in the European legal culture CYIL promotes development of international law and of new analytical approaches that will increase understanding of this branch of law and its goals in the current global era The focal points of interest in Czech Yearbook of International Law are actual issues involving international treaties in the context of EU law international contractual relations the protection of human rights in the international context aspects of criminal law as well as international arbitration The goal of this book is to further advance and develop the international law analyses particularly from the countries of central and eastern Europe

Příslušnost kategorií

PRÁVNICKÁ LITERATURA / Mezinárodní a evropské právo
Autor: Alexander J. Bělohlávek, Naděžda Rozehnalová
Nakladatel: Juris Publishing

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