Sociology, 6th Edition

EAN 9780745643588 ISBN 978-07-4564-358-8
Vydavatel Polity Books Počet stran 1000
Rok vydání 2010 Formát

1.120,00 Kč s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Skladem: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
The sixth edition of Anthony Giddens Sociology is the best yet Revised and updated throughout it provides an authoritative overview of recent global developments and new ideas in sociology Classic debates are also given careful coverage with even the most complex ideas explained in an engaging way Written in a fluent easy to follow style the book manages to be intellectually rigorous but still very accessible It aims to engage and excite readers helping them to see the value of thinking sociologically The sixth edition includes: substantive new material on education media social theory inequalities politics and government and a whole new chapter on war and terrorism further revisions and updating in all the chapters a strong focus on global sociology and the sociological imagination new classic studies boxes which examine in detail influential empirical research additional thinking critically sections woven through the text to stimulate students own insights specially chosen eye catching photographs which capture the everyday drama of the social world A best selling textbook for more than 20 years the sixth edition sets the standard for introductory sociology It is the ideal teaching text for first year University and college courses and will help to inspire a new generation of sociologists

Příslušnost kategorií

Autor: Giddens Anthony
Nakladatel: Polity Books

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