Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk / Katalog / PRÁVNICKÁ LITERATURA / Dějiny a teorie práva / History of state and law on the territory of Slovakia I: (from ancient times till 1848)

History of state and law on the territory of Slovakia I: (from ancient times till 1848)

EAN 9788073802219 ISBN 978-80-7380-221-9
Vydavatel Aleš Čeněk s.r.o. Počet stran 96
Rok vydání 2009 Formát A5

135,00 Kč s DPH
The present textbook is the first attempt to provide a concise overview of the history of state and law in Slovakia in a form understandable to the broadest group of readers, both professionals and laymen. It was the intention of the authors that the target community of users is not limited to Slovaks, but that it also includes all those, who, for any reason, want to know about the key events in the Slovak history in general and also about the facts seen from the perspective of the history of state and law. Under this, we mean primarily all foreigners who are interested in knowing about and studying the positive law prevailing in Slovakia and to see it in the necessary historical context, which significantly contributes to a better understanding of the facts.

Příslušnost kategorií

PRÁVNICKÁ LITERATURA / Dějiny a teorie práva
Autor: Mosný Peter, Laclavíková Miriam
Nakladatel: Aleš Čeněk s.r.o.

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