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Introduction to International Legal English + CDs

EAN 9780521718998 ISBN 9780521718998
Vydavatel Cambridge University Press Počet stran
Rok vydání 2008 Formát

930,00 Kč s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Skladem: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Introduction to International Legal English is an intermediate level course for law students or newly qualified lawyers who need to use English in their legal work or studies Suitable for classroom use or self study the course prepares learners for using English in a commercial law environment focusing on a variety of legal topics including company law litigation and arbitration criminal law and comparative law Using authentic legal texts and case studies supplied by TransLegal Europe s leading firm of lawyer linguists the course develops learners understanding of the law while simultaneously consolidating their language skills Featuring both academic and professional contexts Introduction to International Legal English develops the four key skills of reading writing listening and speaking The accompanying Teacher s Book provides full support for teachers without a law background and includes guidance on all the exercises as well as a range of activities to bring a more communicative dimension to the course With an author team comprising lawyers from the US Britain and Canada and ELT specialists teachers and students can be confident that the language and content is authentic and practical Introduction to International Legal English is suitable for learners who may not have extensive knowledge of the law It takes learners up to the point where they can begin using the International Legal English coursebook and start preparation for the Cambridge ILEC examination

Příslušnost kategorií

JAZYKOVÁ LITERATURA / Odborné učebnice
Autor: Firth Matt;Lindner-Krois Amy;TransLegal
Nakladatel: Cambridge University Press

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930,00 Kč s DPH
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doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
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