Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk / Katalog / UMĚNÍ / École de Paris. Czech Artists in Paris between the Wars

École de Paris. Czech Artists in Paris between the Wars

EAN 9788070358580 ISBN 978-80-7035-858-0
Vydavatel Národní galerie Praha Počet stran 128
Rok vydání 2024 Formát

690,00 Kč s DPH
The exhibition guide published to accompany the eponymous exhibition presents Czech artists who aligned with the so-called L´École de Paris (School of Paris) within the broader framework of this international community in Paris in the years 1918-1938. The most prominent artists on the interwar art scene in Paris included Georges Kars, Otakar Kubín / Othon Coubine, and František Zdeněk Eberl. The exhibition and guide therefore focus chiefly on these three artists, whose output is examined in the context of the Paris art scene of the time. Their cretaions are presented along with the artworks of their friends and contemporaries, including Amedeo Modigliani, Suzanne Valadon, Maurice Utrillo, Chana Orloff, Jules Pascin, and others. The presentation of their work is complemented by several probes into the Parisian artistic milieu, such as the Galerie Berthe Weill and various art salons; another chapter is devoted to the relationship between Othon Coubine and his collector Leo Stein. The book contains a list of works on view.

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Nakladatel: Národní galerie Praha
Autor: Pravdová Anna

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