Czech for Foreigners

EAN 9788024525037 ISBN 978-80-245-2503-7
Vydavatel Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze Počet stran 94
Rok vydání 2023 Formát A4

283,00 Kč s DPH
The textbook Czech for Foreigners Čeština pro cizince is not only study material but also a guide for you to communicate in Czech Communication that you need for everyday life but not for your studies where the teaching language is English The textbook therefore includes topics for your cultural life in Prague as well as necessary communication in shops at the doctor’s and of course at school The textbook is divided into 12 chapters Each chapter has a fixed structure These 12 lessons are followed by a section titled Personalities of Czech politics culture and sport Here you have the task to translate into Czech and read the Czech translation out loud However it is not just about reading and translation – it is above all a brief introduction to the most famous Czech personalities in the fields of culture sport and politics These people are important not only in the Czech Republic or Europe but are often known worldwide

Příslušnost kategorií

Autor: Radváková Věra
Nakladatel: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze

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