Traction mechanics

EAN 9788075605030 ISBN 978-80-7560-503-0
Vydavatel Univerzita Pardubice Počet stran
Rok vydání 2024 Formát

250,00 Kč s DPH
This textbook is intended primarily for students of the Rail Vehicles course taught at the Faculty of Transport Engineering of the University of Pardubice as well as those interested in topics of traction mechanics The scope of traction mechanics is the investigation of train motion in order to determine travel times and energy consumption as well as the hauling capability of various powered vehicles in various track conditions The content of this textbook is thus divided into several chapters which are focused on the basic aspects of modelling the train as a rigid body Attention is therefore paid mainly to the train equation of motion and its numerical solution running resistances traction characteristics of tractive vehicles and braking of rolling stock In the introduction the basic characteristics of rail transport in the context of other transport modes are also presented while the conclusion of the publication presents the connections of traction mechanics with other fields of railway technology especially with the safety of rolling stock signalling and electric power supply of railways In the field of vehicle running resistances the text is supplemented by a summary of the latest findings obtained in the framework of research activities carried out at the Faculty of Transport Engineering in this area in recent years The publication also includes examples for a better understanding and practice of the issue

Příslušnost kategorií

TECHNICKÁ LITERATURA / Stavebnictví, strojírenství
Autor: Michálek Tomáš
Nakladatel: Univerzita Pardubice

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