Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk / Katalog / ZAHRANIČNÍ LITERATURA / Ferri's Best Test : A Practical Guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging 5th ed.

Ferri's Best Test : A Practical Guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging 5th ed.

EAN 9780323812894 ISBN 978-0323812894
Vydavatel Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Počet stran 560
Rok vydání 2022 Formát 111 x 187 x 22.86mm

1.190,00 Kč s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
Skladem: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Clinicians at all levels must consider a myriad of tests in the diagnostic process requiring an up to date understanding of changing technology and the demands of time and cost efficiency Ferri s Best Test 5th Edition is a unique easy to use guide that simplifies complex information and helps you choose the best test to supplement your clinical diagnostic skills It includes both lab and imaging tests for concise convenient access to all diagnostic test options for more than 200 common diseases and disorders Practical concise spiral bound and pocket sized designed from cover to cover for quick on the go reference Three convenient sections provide quick access to key information on clinical laboratory testing diagnostic imaging and diagnostic algorithms New and updated content on cardiac computed tomography angiography computed tomography perfusion imaging COVID 19 and much more Coverage of 23 new laboratory tests and 14 new diseases and disorders Essential information on indications advantages disadvantages approximate costs normal ranges typical abnormalities likeliest causes and more Experienced author Dr Fred Ferri uses a unique easy to follow format to simplify complex information and help you choose the best test for every patient New appendices on electrocardiography and respiratory testing and function Comparison tables and illustrations help improve your test selection Enhanced eBook version included with purchase Your enhanced eBook includes an image collection with access on a variety of devices

Příslušnost kategorií

Autor: Fred F. Ferri
Nakladatel: Elsevier - Health Sciences Division

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