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Ideal for on the go reference and review Easy EMG 3rd Edition covers fundamental principles how to perform and how to interpret electromyography EMG and nerve conduction studies NCS all in an easy to read well organized resource This unique pocket sized manual offers expert guidance on the most common conditions encountered in daily practice with clear illustrations showing the correct needle placement for each condition Presents just the facts of EMG and NCS in a compact format perfect for on the go learning or review Features at a glance tables of complex information for quick and easy reference and a new all inclusive chart that includes electrodiagnostic findings in specific disorders Depicts precise needle placement through clear computer generated illustrations Includes new and updated videos including clips on motor and sensory nerve conduction studies and H reflex Reflects the latest changes to EMG billing codes to ensure accurate up to date application Enhanced eBook version included with purchase Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text figures and references from the book on a variety of devices