Phillips' Science of Dental Materials

EAN 9780323697552 ISBN 978-0323697552
Vydavatel Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann Počet stran 448
Rok vydání 2021 Formát 216 x 276 x 19.05mm

2.700,00 Kč s DPH
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Skladem: doba dodání cca 2-3 týdny
Keep current with the evolving technology of dental materials Phillips Science of Dental Materials 13th Edition provides comprehensive up to date information on the materials used in cosmetic and restorative procedures in dentistry It introduces the physical and chemical properties that are related to selection and use of dental biomaterials including their composition mechanical properties manipulative variables and the performance of dental restorations and prostheses This edition adds three new chapters and hundreds of new full color photographs Written by dental scientists Chiayi Shen and H Ralph Rawls along with prosthodontist Josephine Esquivel Upshaw this leading text reference helps dentists select the right materials for oral procedures and helps dental labs ensure high quality restorations 500 full color photos and illustrations show concepts dental instruments and restorations Key terms are defined at the beginning of each chapter covering terminology related to dental biomaterials and science Critical thinking questions stimulate thinking and emphasize important concepts and principles Logical five part organization of chapters makes the content easier to read and understand with units on General Classes and Properties of Dental Materials Direct Restorative Materials Indirect Restorative Materials Fabrication of Prostheses and Assessing Dental Restorations Balance between materials science and manipulation bridges the gap of knowledge between dentists and lab technicians Major emphasis on biocompatibility serves as a useful guide to the principles and clinical implications of restorative materials safety Diverse and respected pool of contributors lends credibility and experience to each dental science topic

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Autor: Chiayi Shen , Edited by H. Ralph Rawls , Edited by Josephine F. Esquivel-Upshaw
Nakladatel: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann

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