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New Headway Fifth Edition Pre-Intermediate Class Audio CDs

EAN 9780194527989 ISBN 978-0-19-452798-9
Vydavatel Oxford University Press Počet stran 0
Rok vydání 2020 Formát 142 x 125 x 23

1.441,00 Kč s DPH
Updated with new texts topics and themes Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students’ needs Headway 5th edition provides fresh relevant English instruction needed for success today Headway and its award winning authors Liz and John Soars are names that have become synonymous with English Language Teaching and learning Teach with Headway’s perfectly balanced grammar and skills syllabus based on the course’s world renowned methodology Headway 5th edition retains the course’s trusted methodology and has been updated with new texts topics and digital resources Teach practical real life English that is relevant to your students’ lives with new topics and themes grounded in today’s reality Bring unit topics to life with the new unit opener page which include inspiring photographs and accompanying video introductions engage students with the unit topic Download and adapt material for your students with the Teacher’s Resource Centre which provides all your Headway resources stored in one place to save you time Students can look again at activities from previous lessons do extra skills practice and check their progress with instant feedback

Příslušnost kategorií

JAZYKOVÁ LITERATURA / Učebnice všeobecné
Autor: Soar Liz & John
Nakladatel: Oxford University Press

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1.441,00 Kč s DPH
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