Trolleybus World from A to Z

EAN 9785990949201 ISBN 9785990949201
Vydavatel Korealstav Počet stran 480
Rok vydání 2020 Formát

2.000,00 Kč s DPH
ANNOTATIONThis book is an attempt to reach a new more general and holistic level of understanding the development and evolution of the world’s trolleybus systems Based on a systematized review of trolleybus systems’ data the book presents the development history and technical specifities of the popular urban means of transportation powered by electricity and known as trolleybus This is the first publication of its kind that presents a structured body of information on all of the world’s trolleybus systems – both extinct and extant – broken down by country Descriptive and comprehensive data are provided for each trolleybus system including such information as the total length of the service lines and the number of vehicles in the fleet in different historical periods of its existence The book is richly illustrated with archive and modern photographs It is designated for specialists as well as a wide reading audience interested in urban transport

Příslušnost kategorií

Autor: Klimov Konstantin,Korolkov Sergey
Nakladatel: Korealstav

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