Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk / Katalog / ANTIKVARIÁT / State as a Giant with Feet of Clay

State as a Giant with Feet of Clay

EAN LKH066 ISBN 978-3-631-65375-3
Vydavatel Peter Lang Počet stran 182
Rok vydání 2014 Formát A5

Poznámka: ANTIK – Použité zboží bez garance bezvadnosti
120,00 Kč s DPH
Many contemporary states even the European ones resemble a giant with feet of clay They tend to be greater in terms of the scope of governance rather than in terms of their territory or population Since they are great they are also costly though often very limited in various respects One perilous alternative is the state giant of Thomas Hobbes But there are other possibilities as well such as the liberal state effective yet small or lean; or the dreamt up state of the conservatives based on the principle of subsidiarity acting only as a complement to civil society The fundamental thesis in this book is that the states in which we live are great however weak The book then discusses the main categories of limits on state power such as human rights international law EU law and societal changes

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Autor: Kysela Jan
Nakladatel: Peter Lang

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