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Medical microbiology concerns the nature distribution and activities of microbes and their impact on health and wellbeing In spite of the introduction of many antimicrobial agents and immunisations we continue to face major challenges in combatting infection not least the gathering crisis in antimicrobial resistance Now in a fully revised and updated 19th edition Medical Microbiology provides comprehensive coverage of infection from the microbial perspective combining a clear introduction to key principles with a focus explicitly geared to modern clinical practice It provides ideal coverage for medical and biomedical students with Key Points boxes throughout to highlight the essentials and sufficient detail to also inform specialists in training Building on the success of previous editions updates in Medical Microbiology 19e include: New and expanded coverage of hot topics and emerging areas important to clinical practice including: Genomics The Human Microbiome Direct acting antiviral agents for the treatment of HCV infection Molecular methods in diagnostic microbiology Antibiotic Stewardship