Miller's Review of Orthopaedics

EAN 9780323355179 ISBN 978-03-2335-517-9
Vydavatel Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann Počet stran 904
Rok vydání 2016 Formát

2.511,00 Kč s DPH
Uvedená cena je orientační a může se lišit v návaznosti na kurz české koruny a termín objednání.
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For nearly a quarter century Miller s Review of Orthopaedics and the accompanying annual Miller Review Course www MillerReview org have been must have resources that residents and practitioners have turned to for efficient and effective exam preparation This 7th Edition continues to provide complete coverage of the field s most tested topics now reorganized to be more intuitive more user friendly and easier to read New to this Edition Content and topic emphasis are fully aligned with the ABOS American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and OITE Orthopaedic In Service Training Exam exams giving you the confidence you need to prepare for certification and recertification Completely revised sections on anatomy spine and tumors along with input from many new authors keep you fully up to date An increased emphasis on imaging along with the most current results and techniques ensure that you re prepared for today s exams Includes new coverage of femoroacetabular impingement spine trauma common medications used in orthopaedics and recent advances in basic sciences Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text figures images and references from the book on a variety of devices Key Features Numerous study aids help you ace your exams: a superb art program including full color tables images and pathology slides; improved concise bulleted text design; testable facts in every chapter; multiple choice review questions written by experts in the field; and much more Video clips and SAQs available online for easy access

Příslušnost kategorií

Autor: Mark D. Miller, Stephen R. Thompson
Nakladatel: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann

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